Greenberg Traurig is the sponsor of an event hosted by the Central Ohio chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) that will feature two CLEs focused on privacy/trademarks as well as employment/immigration

“Avoiding Privacy Pitfalls and Trademark Traps in Brand-Related Licenses and Purchases”: Presenters Joel Feldman and Jena Valdetero will discuss legal risks related to trademarks and data privacy and security including a due diligence issue-spotting exercise to identify potential risks and opportunities posed by transactions and license agreements.

“Current Interplay of Immigration & Employment Issues in the Employment Lifecycle”: Speakers John Richards and Courtney Noce will cover how diversity issues in employment and immigration increasingly have an impact on companies, with these three pillars interplaying throughout the entire employment life cycle.

Nov. 16, 2023
3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST

Columbus Country Club
4831 E Broad Street
Columbus 43213
United States

Click here to register.